+91-11-65969433, +91- 9810026819 trips@wildlifeindia.co.uk

Filming and Photographic Expeditions

At Indian Nature Tours we have ample expertise in assisting filming and photographic expeditions. We have in past assisted various film crews for their filming schedules in India at various locations and on different themes.

To name a few: Greg Grainger Films Australia, Exploration Production Inc- Discovery Channel- Canada, Natur Bilder –NRK Norwegian Broadcasting, Meter Films –Sweden, TOP TV Gmbh Germany and quite recently SVT (Swedish National Television) for their three part series on India.

We can assist you for – Culture Filming, Wildlife Filming, Adventure Filming, Special Interest Filming and any other subject you may wish to cover.

We have also been assisting many Photographers of International acclaim for their photography schedules in India.

In order to promote wildlife and culture photography we organize photography trips for amateur photographers on regular basis.

Peter is regularly featured in the photographic press and in the February edition of the magazine ‘Professional Photographer’ there is a centre spread featuring one of Peters images, a Large Tailed Nightjar, the feature is part of a Canon Imaging campaign in conjunction with the magazine.

Whilst on a trip with Peter you will receive expert guidance on all aspects of your photography and an informal chat in the evening whilst looking at your images from the day. Peter will offer use of top professional digital and film camera equipment and lenses by Canon.


Our photographic trips cover a wide spectrum of topics. Cultural, historical, scenic and wildlife, or indeed a combination of any of the above. These trips are all led by Manoj Sharma or Peter Phillips, an English photographer renowned for his wildlife, nature, travel and sports photography.

Thank you!

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